Research Papers
Selection of research papers and reports on the Three Seas Initiative.
Disinformation challenges facing the Three Seas Initiative – frame analysis of the key narratives
The article identifies four main frames of disinformation targeting the 3SI, showing that Russian disinformation is focused on undermining the credibility and integrity of this cooperation, both among Initiative countries and between them and their international partners.
Different Forms of Summit Diplomacy. Case Study Analysis of the Visegrád Group, the Bucharest Nine, and the Three Seas Initiative
This article delves into the nuances of summit diplomacy in regional
formats within Central Europe, with a particular emphasis on the Visegrád Group (V4),
the Bucharest Nine (B9), and the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) from 2015 to 2023. Though
each format functions differently, all rely on summit diplomacy to achieve their objectives.
The Three Seas Initiative as an opportunity and a challenge for small states
The Three Seas Initiative includes twelve EU member states, most of which are so-called small European states. These include six states with a population of less than 10 million people with a territory of no more than 80,000 km2, and also four other states that slightly exceed either the population or area indicated above. In this context, Poland and Romania stand out in terms of potential, which is a source of asymmetry in the region’s multilateral relations, representing an important factor influencing the nature of the Three Seas Initiative.
The Three Seas Initiative: An Original Concept of Regional Cooperation in Different Approaches
This monograph aims to enrich the current body of knowledge on regional cooperation and discuss the current state of research on the 3SI across various academic disciplines and national perspectives. Key research questions include: What is the current state of knowledge regarding the 3SI? What are the main sources of this knowledge? What methods are used to gather data about the 3SI? How do the states of the region diff er in this regard? Another major research area concerns narratives about the 3SI, its image and perception in specific states. There are significant variations in approach both among the 3si states and within individual states themselves. This monograph aims to explain these differences.
Lithuania has been part of the Three Seas Initiative since its inception back in 2016. The widely known core objective of this regional framework, which is approaching its 10th anniversary, has been to improve infrastructure among its member states and to close the economic gap between Western and Eastern Europe. After all, the 3SI countries, Lithuania included, were perfectly aware of the huge infrastructure needs in this part of Europe, with the International Monetary Fund estimating € 1.15 trillion in total infrastructure costs for the Three Seas region.
Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing the common agenda.European Institute of Romania. Working Paper Series, No. 46
The collective report was designed as a comprehensive platform for experts from the 3SI participating countries, partners and potential future participants to present their views on the future of the 3SI framework, and their expectations regarding the 2023 Bucharest Summit. The ideas presented by the experts in this collective report paint a complex image of the context and challenges for the implementation of specific infrastructure projects in transportation, energy and digital connectivity, while providing insightful recommendations for their completion. The views expressed in this publication converge on the usefulness of a regional coordination effort such as the Three Seas Initiative, while proposing concrete steps to further increase the national commitments.
The Three Seas Initiative Civil Society Forum 2022. Connecting States, Regions, and Societies: Debating, Innovating, and Acting.The Three Seas Initiative Civil Society Forum “Connecting States, Regions, and Societies: Debating, Innovating, and Acting” was initiated by the President of Latvia H.E. Egils Levits and organised jointly by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, the Chancery of the President of Latvia, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. The civil society representatives addressed the following issues and proposed a wide range of recommendations, which need to be further discussed and implemented in cooperation with policy makers, business community and society at large.
Three Seas Initiative 2nd Parliamentary Forum Riga, 20-21 June 2022
On 20-21 June 2022, the 2nd Parliamentary Forum of the Three Seas Initiative was held in Riga, with the participation of parliamentarians from Three Seas Initiative member states and partner nations.Parliamentary diplomacy and cooperation significantly impact and provide political
support for cooperation between governments, businesses, and non-governmental
organisations in strengthening regional ties, fostering public debate and shaping new
communication channels. Appreciating the role of the Forum, participants see it as an
essential element of the Three Seas Initiative: a networking platform and an opportunity to make personal contacts to strengthen and promote the idea of the Three Seas Initiative.
The publication "Three Seas Initiative: Mapping National Perspectives"
Latvian Institute of International Affairs
The publication "Three Seas Initiative: Mapping National Perspectives"
Latvian Institute of International Affairs
The publication “Three Seas Initiative: Mapping National Perspectives” offers a collection of articles that discuss priorities of the Initiative from the countries’ perspective. Each of the article identifies both challenges and opportunities to the members participating in the Initiative. The publication provides the reader with an insight into the diversified views on the Initiative, the main shortcomings and the future of the Initiative as envisaged by international experts. Noting the changing international environment caused by the Russia’s aggression in Ukraine in 2022, publication is also addressing how the recent security developments affects the Initiative.
The Three Seas Initiative by the U.S Congressional Research ServiceCongressional Research Service
Short overview of the Three Seas Initiative by the U.S. Congressional Research Service. Also discusses the Initiative’s alignment with the goals of Congress.
The Three Seas Initiative and its Economic and Geopolitical Effect on the European Union and Central and Eastern EuropeGrzegorz Zbińkowski, The Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Analysis of the Three Seas Initiative, whose participating countries (except Austria) treat it as a method of: a)reducing their dependence on crude oil and natural gas imports from Russia, thus increasing their energy security; b) accelerated filling of the persisting civilisation gap between the initiative participants and more developed EU countries owing to the improved quality and maturity of the transport and digital North‑South infrastructure; and c)the actual implementation of the “vision of a Europe whole, free and at peace.”
The Kosciuszko Institute: Izabela Albrycht, Wioletta Brzęcka, Faustine Felici, Agnieszka Konkel, Kamil Mikulski, Robert Siudak, Joanna Świątkowska, PhD
To analyse the potential of the Three Seas Region the authors conducted PESTLE analysis which they present in the second part of the report. Based on the cross-sectoral research focused on six main factors: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental they concluded as follows. On the one hand, the region is particularly exposed to hybrid, including digital, threats as well as geopolitical shifts and political turbulences, on the other, that Three Seas economies and societies hum with potential which, as long as the positive development tendencies already visible are supported, can be used to follow the policy of ongoing secure economic growth in the era of a new digital world.
When deciding to prioritise cybersecurity sector development, the region’s countries should consider a range of factors and circumstances summed up in the key recommendations.
Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann. Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, vol. 17 (2019), no. 3, pp. 31-63.
The objective of this paper is to show the geopolitical dimension of the Three Seas Initiative from a French point of view. The author presents the Three Seas Initiative implementation process, characterises Poland’s rivalry with Germany and Russia in a historical context, emphasizes the important role of Germany in the entire project, and reviews Russia’s attitude towards the region.
The Three Seas Initiative as a Political Challenge for the Countries of Central and Eastern EuropeMarek Górka, Political Science Department, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
This study explores the background of the Three Seas Initiative and highlights both the diverging interests of the countries and their common predicament.
Petar Kurecic, University of North Croatia
It is the main intention of this paper to study the geographical determinants, geopolitical foundations, and the contemporary motives and goals of the Initiative, as well as the Initiative’s role in the geopolitical relations of the U.S./EU core states/Russia triangle.
The Kosciuszko Institute
The authors of this White Paper call for a range of activities aimed at building digital cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe under the name of the Digital 3 Seas Initiative.
Izabela Albrycht, Krševan Antun Dujmović, Anushka Kaushik, Agnieszka Konkel, Iulian Popa, Michał Pilc, Marta Przywała, Ildikó Voller Szenci, Barbara Sztokfisz with Geopolitics and the CEE Region, by Edward Lucas
Editors: Agnieszka Konkel, Marta Przywała
The report should be considered as a continuation of the Kosciuszko Institute’s White
Paper The Digital 3 Seas Initiative: A Call for a Cyber Upgrade of Regional Cooperation released in June 2018. In order for the report to present as wide range of viewpoints as possible, the representatives of 5 out of 12 Three Seas countries (Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia), including think tanks and experts, were asked to participate in the creation of the Roadmap. The chapters reflect the standpoints of several authors from these countries.
The chapters also give an outline of the current state of play, seen from the perspective of both the Three Seas region and the EU. Each chapter ends with recommendations for the Digital Three Seas countries providing specific guidance for the Three Seas countries and their allies.
Report by: SpotData
Partner: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
By combining characteristics of emerging and developed markets, the Three Seas region has become a unique and attractive investment location. Three Seas countries boast higher GDP growth than developed markets, and, at the same time, have much higher stability indicators than the average emerging market nation.
European Commission
The European Commission is a major contributor to investments in connectivity and infrastructure development in the Three Seas region. The projects listed in this report are highlights of the EU’s contribution to economic development across the region.