2021 3SI Parliamentary Forum, Tallinn Estonia
A kick-off event to engage Parliaments in enhancing the Three Seas Initiative.
The First Three Seas Parliamentary Forum was held on 3 June 2021 at 16:00-18:00 (EEST) in virtual format, organised from Tallinn, Estonia.
It was hosted by Mr Jüri Ratas, the President of the Parliament of Estonia the Riigikogu, and moderated by Mr Neeme Raud, Estonian journalist.The event can be watched again from here:
3SI Parliamentary Forum, 3 June 2021, 16:00-18:00 (EEST)Moderator: Mr Neeme Raud, journalist
Welcome address by Mr Jüri Ratas, President of the Riigikogu
I Keynote speakers:
Ms Elżbieta Witek, Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Mr Adam Kinzinger, Member of the United States House of Representative
Mr Joe Philipsz, Head of 3SIIF Origination
II Contributions of the participants:
Czech Republic
Mr Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies
Mr László Kövér, Speaker of the National Assembly
Ms Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima
Ms Viktorija Čmilytė Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas
Mr Igor Zorčič, President of the National Assembly
Mr Alojz Kovšca, President of the National Council
Ms Anca Dana Dragu, President of the Senate
Mr Ludovic Orban, President of the Chamber of Deputies
III Closing remarks
Mr Jüri Ratas, President of the Riigikogu
Mr Neeme Raud, Moderator
About the First Three Seas Parliamentary Forum
The Three Seas Initiative (3SI) was launched at the presidential level in 2016 as a platform to provide political support for accelerating economic development as well as for enhancing intra-regional and cross-border cooperation and connectivity among 12 EU member states between the Baltic Sea, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea. The United States, Germany, and the European Commission are the strategic partners of the 3SI. The initiative promotes cooperation for the development of infrastructure in the energy, transport, and digital sectors, contributing to economic growth and energy security, as well as to boosting cohesion and unity in Europe.
Throughout 2020, Estonia was the coordinator of the Three Seas Initiative, focusing on consolidation of the initiative and greater intergovernmental cooperation in the Three Seas region. To keep up this momentum on the road to Sofia, where the next summit and business forum will be held, Estonia organised the First Three Seas Parliamentary Forum that brought together the Speakers of the Parliaments of Three Seas countries for the first time to discuss the role of Parliaments in the Three Seas Initiative.
Engaging the Parliaments in the Three Seas Initiative
The involvement of the legislative powers would facilitate achieving the practical goals of the Three Seas Initiative and enhance the sustainability of the format’s activities. Wider involvement of Parliaments can also add an important contribution to raising the visibility of the format.
The first Three Seas Parliamentary Forum provided an excellent opportunity to reconfirm the countries’ commitment to the format and jointly reflect further on the added value Parliaments can bring, including:
The potential role of Parliaments in facilitating the implementation of 3SI goals – considering the unique competence of the Parliaments in law-making, they could further enhance the appropriate legislative environment and business-friendly climate necessary for the 3SI objectives, aiming at the same time to reduce the unnecessary administrative burden in the implementation of the priority interconnection projects in the Three Seas region. Cross-border cooperation is essential in this regard.
Reaching citizens and stakeholders directly – members of Parliaments have a unique opportunity to introduce the goals and process of the Three Seas Initiative to the public. Parliaments can help raise awareness of Three Seas Initiative among their electorates. This is essential for attracting interest and capital to the initiative and its priority projects.
Foreign Relations Department of the Riigikogu
E-mail: vso@riigikogu.ee