On 11 April, President Gitanas Nausėda will receive ten foreign leaders in Vilnius for the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) Summit and Business Forum.

The Lithuanian leader will chair the plenary session of the Three Seas Initiative Summit, during which the Heads of State will adopt a joint declaration.

The Lithuanian presidency of the Three Seas Initiative is aiming to:

  • Strengthen cooperation between the countries of the region, as well as connectivity in the fields of energy, transport, and digitalization, with a view to achieving greater convergence among EU Member States.
  • Promote greater involvement of strategic partners and investments, in particular the transatlantic link between the United States of America and the 3SI region, as well as develop a broader coalition of like-minded countries.
  • Increase focus on strengthening infrastructure resilience and critical protection, including the importance of military mobility and cybersecurity.
  • Bring together the countries of the region and like-minded countries to step up and expand support for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction, especially in the field of transport.
  • Mobilize 3SI support for associated countries, as well as other EU candidate countries, in order to enhance their infrastructural integration into the region and the EU, and in their EU accession negotiations.

The Three Seas Initiative brings together thirteen EU Member States between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas, namely, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece. The strategic partners are the USA, Germany, and the European Commission. A new strategic partner, Japan, is expected to join the initiative during the 3SI Summit in Lithuania.

The aim of the initiative is to foster accelerated development and convergence in the region by increasing the connectivity of the participating states in the areas of transport, energy, and digitalization, in particular on the North-South axis, and to reinforce the EU’s cohesion and the transatlantic ties between the EU and the US. Ukraine and Moldova are the associated participating states of the initiative.

At the 3SI Business Forum, President Gitanas Nausėda will take part in a high-level panel discussion on the importance of the Three Seas Initiative for regional resilience and security.

Ahead of the 3SI Summit, on 10 April, the President will participate in the Three Seas Initiative presidency events—the International Transport Forum (ITF) and the Baltic Sea Energy Security High-Level Meeting.